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Central Control Room


Scoot is primarly a signal control strategy which works in cooperation with conventional UTC system .it uses software developed to analyse raw detector data and then provide recommendations for signal timings. All the standard UTC functions such as data transmission drivers and fault monitoring are still available to the systems user. From inductive loop detectors at the approach to each intersection in the SCOOT area obtained four times per second from each loop.

The development of fixed time plans for UTC schemes using the transit method is widely recognized as a most efficient technique and is used world wide.
However the continual variations encouraged in the flow of traffic passing through a modern city combined with a rapid growth in vehicle usage have led to the need for a more flexible approach to deal more efficiently with the constantly traffic changing traffic patters. As a result SCOOT –split cycle offset optimization technique –has been developed .
This information enables SCOOT to automatically adjust to the effects of the traffic flow in the area and change traffic signal timings that are required to achieve optimum journey times.
Once the SCOOT system has been installed and validated it is capable for automatic and unsupervised operation 24 hours a day and will continue to react automatically to changes in traffic patterns.



Wire-less coordination is possible by synchronization of the built in calendar clocks. If the controllers are linked by communication lines, one of them is working as master and coordination is also possible in connection with vehicle actuated operation.
Linked to a central computer partial and full program –download to the local controller is possible via the communication processor. Comprehensive data can be called up from the controller to the central system in detailed or comprised form. Upload of traffic data( statistics about traffic counts, speed , type of vehicle and density ) can be performed.

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